Monday, July 15, 2013

Where have I been??

 Hi All!

It's been about a week or two since I've posted anything, but I haven't been home! Last week, my cousins, Miss and I drove to Mobile to visit my mom....only after I worked 3 nights in a row. We left right away Monday morning. I'm pretty sure I was up 28+ hours, but I just wanted to get down there! My older little brother took the bus down a few weeks before to put in new floors for ma so it was nice to have us all together!


Ma had our week filled! Bowling, eating, shopping, eating, and more good eating. :-)
We played lots of games and spent a little time, weather allowing, on the coast.

I've got a bunch of new craft ideas. We did go garage-saling while I visited and I got three free frames! So I'm pondering all frame ideas...thinking on starting early Christmas decorations.....? Stay tuned.

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